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Stories about Jesus - Series III
Luke 9:51-62
Review Saul’s conversion Acts 9:15 bear my name & suffer
The High Cost of Discipleship
The cost of discipleship is high, it demands all we have to give
- J. Vernon Magee
I do not count myself to have apprehended, but this one thing I do forgetting thoose things which are behind… I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
- Paul in Philippians 3:13-14
Cost Jesus His life, {set his face} v. 51, 52, 53 - Jesus could not go back home, could not go back to heaven, not yet been crucified, go to Jerusalem.
Cost Paul his life, 3 times in Acts 9, tried to kill him.
Will cost you everything v. 57-61.
Discipleship involves SURRENDER
4. Future v. 57-58 - His plans must become your plans. His will must become your will. His family must become your family.
5. Family v. 59, 60 - This persons father was not dead or even sick as far as we know, he was using this relationship as an excuse. The Old Testament taught honor for those dying, Jesus honored bereavement as well.
6. Friendships v. 61, 62 - This person was already committed to other friends, they were priority. Many times it is our friends who hold us back spiritually and hinder our walk.